Jason Edelman

Open-Source Projects

  • autogrow

    Automatically grow and shrink textareas with the content as you type.

  • collectdata

    A small jQuery plugin that returns all the data from a set of inputs in a structured format.

  • ember-perforator

    Ember.js app performance tool. See on page, console, and devtools timeline where performance bottlenecks are. Developed by LinkedIn.

  • gamenight

    Game Night

  • grooveultimate

    Herp. Derp.

  • ihaveathing

    A scheduler that thinks like you do

  • sass-flexbox-mixin

    Easily generate flexbox layouts that support both new and legacy formats.

  • stackstalker

    Monitor any question from any Stack Exchange site and see when it is updated.

I'm just a guy.

I'm just your average, run-of-the-mill programmer who loves board games, good coffee and/or horrible dad jokes, and likes to throw plastic discs really far.

I read lots of programming books and articles and can often be found binge-watching a Netflix/HBO series or trolling my friends' social media posts. They love it, I'm certain. Sometimes I will emerge from a coding session with a full beard.

I've been building websites since high school and am probably personally responsible for animated backgrounds becoming taboo. Occasionally I go "outside," but usually only to practice throwing aforementioned plastic discs or to affix my feet onto a plank of wood and go sliding down a frozen mountain at high speeds. Or for day-drinking in the park.

I will probably beat you in ping pong, but I will happily play with you regardless.

Chrome Extensions

  • Screen Shot


    Monitor StackOverflow questions

  • Screen Shot


    Get a URL marking your exact location on a page